Every Umbrella Under the Sun

Every Umbrella Under the Sun

There’s not a drop in the sky, but one in ten people on the streets of Zhongshan, China, are carrying an umbrella. No, they’re not over prepared; they’re protecting the porcelain skin they’ve been trying to keep up all winter. The word umbrella is taken from the Latin...

Fire in the Sky

Ever since the Chinese invented pyrotechnics some time before the seventh century, fireworks have been used to celebrate summer holidays and festivals all over the world. But fireworks sometimes scream and burst throughout the sky purely for the thrill of competition....
The Bestivals of the Festivals

The Bestivals of the Festivals

Summer is a time for food, fun, and festivals. Here are some of the coolest and weirdest festivals going on this summer all over the world. Bolas de Fuego: Balls of Fire San Salvador, El Salvador It’s sundown in Nejapa, San Salvador. Two teams line the streets, their...