Deseret News reports on Stowaway

Deseret News reports on Stowaway

Read what one of Salt Lake City’s major newspapers, The Deseret News, has to say about Stowaway’s take on travel. PROVO — While traveling hours away from civilization in Paraguay, Marvin K. Gardner discovered how much he had in common with even those clear...

I’m Free, Free Flying

Travel writer Ben Schlappig, better known as Lucky, traveled up to 300,000 miles a year and visited more than 30 countries—while still in college. Lawyer Kim Bouck recently flew her family of four to Disneyland for free. From young adults like Lucky to seasoned pros...
Sundance Film Festival

Sundance Film Festival

in·dy ‘in-dē n, adj : Short for independent and used in phrases such as “indy films.” Doesn’t always mean low-budget. As a movement, “indy” connotes trendy-while-pretending-not-to-be-trendy. One who is “indy” may sport uniquely shaped hats, retro glasses, and...

Get Lost!

Ever since European monarchs began building elegant garden mazes for entertainment centuries ago, people have loved the thought of getting lost in a maze. Corn mazes, the American spin on this European tradition, are located in every U.S. state excluding Alaska....
Yurting Out Yonder

Yurting Out Yonder

For over 2,500 years, Mongolians have built yurts, transportable tent-like structures made of wood lattice and heavy felt, to protect themselves from the icy blasts of their native steppes. Today in America, yurts are a wonderful, yet little-known, camping amenity...