by mtk96 | May 11, 2020 | Away For A While, Getaways, Spring 2020
If you’ve ever wanted to see a giraffe up close, touch an elephant trunk, or ride a Jeep on the savanna, South Africa is the place for you. The country also boasts great food, a diverse culture, and an unforgettable history of apartheid and the fight for freedom....
by Stowaway Magazine | Jul 2, 2016 | Happenings, Spring 2016
“April showers bring May flowers”—and with them, flower festivals. These events are found in many different countries and cultures, so no matter where you are in the world, you’re certain to find a flower festival nearby and people with whom to celebrate the advent of...
by Stowaway Magazine | Jul 2, 2016 | Features, Spring 2016
Africa is a magical place where nature roams free alongside history and modernity. Among all of this rich culture flows life-giving rivers and waterfalls. Flowing through different environments, these unique rivers have provided man’s oldest ancestors with life and...
by Stowaway Magazine | Oct 1, 2014 | Fall 2014, Field Notes, Profile
Geraldine DeRuiter was in Italy when she got the text message from her coworker: “We’re all out of a job.” It was 2008, and the toy company where she worked as a copywriter had been acquired by a larger company. At that time, DeRuiter’s husband was traveling a lot for...
by Stowaway Magazine | Jul 1, 2013 | Features, Summer 2013
An estimated three thousand ships have met their doom off the unforgiving South African Coast—that’s one destroyed craft and crew for every kilometer of coastline. Beginning in the early fifteenth century, around the time when Vasco de Gama and Columbus were sailing...