Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar

Utah County may be the only place where, when your friends say, “Let’s get drinks,” they mean sodas. If you’re out on the prowl for places to go, here’s a list of our favorites—plus some snacks and special treats!   Drinks   Sodalicious Try: Are you feeling...
New Orleans Jazz

New Orleans Jazz

Louis Armstrong, perhaps the most famous jazz musician to come from New Orleans, said “If you have to ask what jazz is, you’ll never know.” Jazz is the human experience. Jazz is change and adaptation, cooperation and battle. Jazz is joy and pain and everything...

This Yam is the New Jam

Who knew a root crop could be a key dessert ingredient? Filipinos did. The Philippines is famous for its diverse and unique flavor combinations, especially when it comes to sweets. And one of the most-used flavors for desserts comes from a purple yam called ube...
Sounds of Senegal

Sounds of Senegal

A deeply traditional musical sensation has been sweeping through West Africa’s Senegal for the past few decades, and it continues to be an ever-evolving art form that only grows in popularity in this day and age. This music, known as mbalax (pronounced “mm-ballah”),...