Amezaiku: Japan’s Sweet Tradition

Amezaiku: Japan’s Sweet Tradition

Over one thousand years ago, Japanese artisans sculpted sugary dough into small candy birds, presenting them as gifts for the spirits in early temples. This was the beginning of the cultural tradition of edible art called amezaiku. The word ame means “candy” and the...
Flying Solo

Flying Solo

You’ve been daydreaming about a spontaneous adventure halfway around the world, but none of your friends can get away from work long enough to join you. Your sister canceled last minute on your annual girls’ trip, leaving you wondering what to do with your plane...
Smatterings of Language

Smatterings of Language

If you are walking down the street in Thailand and a vendor tries to sell you something you are not interested in buying, a useful phrase to have on hand is mai pen rai. If someone thanks you, an appropriate response is mai pen rai. If a family offers you a meal, and...
Mind the Gap Year

Mind the Gap Year

After four long years working toward an undergraduate degree, do you feel too drained to jump into graduate school? Are you tired of your current job but unsure what career would make you feel more fulfilled? If so, then a gap year might be the right thing for you. A...