by mtk96 | May 2, 2020 | Arts, Culture, Spring 2020
What if I told you that you could walk through an art gallery without ever having to set foot inside a museum? How, you ask? The answer is street art. What is street art? Street art is simply public art created outdoors, usually created with spray paint. Street art...
by Stowaway Magazine | Jan 16, 2015 | Getaways, Winter 2015
It’s been a long day shredding powder on Park City’s world-famous ski slopes, and you’re exhausted from just one too many runs. You take off your skis and waddle gracefully back into your hotel, trying not to wince from sore hamstrings and triceps. You’re too...
by Stowaway Magazine | Dec 29, 2011 | Arts, Culture
in·dy ‘in-dē n, adj : Short for independent and used in phrases such as “indy films.” Doesn’t always mean low-budget. As a movement, “indy” connotes trendy-while-pretending-not-to-be-trendy. One who is “indy” may sport uniquely shaped hats, retro glasses, and...