by Stowaway Magazine | Mar 9, 2020 | Field Notes, Highway Highlight, Winter 2020
We’ve all had those moments when we just need a break from all our responsibilities and tasks. A road trip is the best remedy to stress! Not only is it healthy to get your eyes off of a screen for a bit, but you can also grab your friends and take time to jam to...
by Stowaway Magazine | Jul 19, 2019 | Fall 2019, Field Notes, Highway Highlight
Davey Crocket said it best: “You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas.” Not only is Texas one of the biggest states in the United States, but it also has some of the biggest state pride around. Texas is not just a place to live—it’s a lifestyle. Texans will brag...
by Stowaway Magazine | Jan 3, 2019 | Field Notes, Off The Beaten Path, Winter 2019
Abraham Hicks said, “If you’re not excited about it, it’s not the right path.” Well, here’s a path everyone should be excited about: the Ohio Donut Trail. Otherwise known as the Butler County Donut Trail, this eighty-mile tour—complete with a passport and free...
by Stowaway Magazine | Feb 2, 2017 | Field Notes, Off The Beaten Path, Winter 2017
Imagine this: road stretching for miles and miles—as far as the eye can see—the sound of wind whistling as the car hurtles along at a solid 100, now 120, now 150 miles per hour, followed by that rush, that feeling of pure exhilaration. It might all sound like a...
by Stowaway Magazine | Jan 9, 2016 | Field Notes, Highway Highlight, Winter 2016
North of everywhere in Europe lies a winding, wet road that has been considered the best road trip in the entire world. The road stretches across churning waters, whose waves crash over the asphalt and smash into passing cars. The drive inspires awe in all who face...