Building Morocco

Building Morocco

Morocco is a country shaped by influence—from the Spaniards in the north to the Saharan desert sands blowing from the east. The Moroccan people have built entire fortified cities from clay and have carved intricate designs into wood with Arabic messages thanking Allah...
Four Days in a Muslim Home

Four Days in a Muslim Home

My dad, in a Facebook message sent from 5,530 miles away: “How do you feel?” Me, typing from my bed in the corner of a crowded room in Morocco, window open to hear the call to prayer that would wake me up to see the sun rise: “I have never met a more devoted, kind,...
Petra: Lost City of Stone

Petra: Lost City of Stone

 Deep in the Kingdom of Jordan lies Petra, a city whose name refers to the rock from whence it was chiseled. The Nabateans, ancient inhabitants of Jordan, carved this city from the sides of desert sandstone cliffs more than three thousand years ago—complete with water...

You Say Goodbye I Say Hello

Going to Moscow and asking—in English—where to find an authentic local restaurant may just get you directions to the nearest bathroom. What do you say when your foreign travels surround you with equally foreign languages? English may be the international language...