Wanderlust with Words

Wanderlust with Words

Drinking fountains, civilian firearms, ethnic diversity—I remember every detail of that first day back in the United States after I had spent 18 months in Eastern Europe. It was the most patriotic day of my life. A month after my return I started school again, and a...
Paint Your Perspective

Paint Your Perspective

As the daughter of a backpacking guru, I constantly heard the phrase, “Always leave your surroundings better than how you found them.” In my travels across the globe, I’ve realized that this concept is true not only of places but of people too—especially ourselves. ...
A Sense for Travel

A Sense for Travel

My breathing synced with the rhythmic sound of my feet on the piney forest floor. Raindrops patted gently on the canopy far above me, but by the time the moisture descended, it was a mist—the kind that adds energy to a runner’s gait.  I stopped for a moment and looked...
Our Adventures Await

Our Adventures Await

My dad instilled a love of travel in me ever since I can remember. In his work, he constantly traveled, mostly to techie conventions and rooms with giant computers and webs of colored wires.  He brought home presents for my siblings and me when he came home from his...
I’m a bag lady.

I’m a bag lady.

My mom will tell you that I’m a bag lady. I have a weakness for bags of all sizes, colors, shapes, and functions, and I hoard them shamelessly. In a single day, I might use three or four different bags. When I studied in London last summer, the occasion indisputably...
Go for It!

Go for It!

 The release of this winter issue of Stowaway marks two years since the magazine’s premier issue in January 2010. In the short time Stowaway has been published, it has received two national awards of recognition: a Bronze Award for “Best Editorial/New Publication” and...