Screaming through Springtime

Screaming through Springtime

Snow is melting. Flowers are blooming. Birds are chirping. And roller coasters are racing. Spring is the perfect season to take a trip with family or friends to a theme park. If you’re not sure which park to choose, or even which parks are near you, take a look at...

Spring 2015 Photo Contest Winners

First Place: Gesso Blue 30 seconds of darkness. Michael Bunn, Las Vegas, NV Second Place: Sagrada Familia Gaudí, the architect of the Sagrada Familia cathedral, intended that worshippers would see the glory of God as they entered the central nave. Matt Reschke, Monte...
Alternative Lodging

Alternative Lodging

“Every room and hallway had been hand painted with graffiti murals,” Emily Cavender said of her first and favorite hostel. “The artwork was weird and strange and beautiful.” As a college student already stretching herself to pay for a study abroad in England, Cavender...
Traveling with Kids

Traveling with Kids

From the back of the car, a tiny voice asks how long ’til you arrive at Grandma’s house. Six hours—six hours to go. Family vacations can make some of the best memories, but parents of young children know it isn’t always easy to keep everyone happy on a trip. Next time...
Swallowing the Unsavory

Swallowing the Unsavory

We’ve all had that experience: you open your mouth, take a bite, and then wish you hadn’t. Everyone has those certain foods they just can’t stand and wish they never have to face again. Unfortunately, especially when you’re traveling, it’s likely that strange new...
Science Tourism around the Globe

Science Tourism around the Globe

By Caroline Bliss Larsen Astronomer Carl Sagan once said, “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.” That’s why so many people travel—to discover, to learn, to explore. And many organizations around the world are dedicated to doing just that:...