First PlaceS.-Staples-stowawaycontest2014_Web

Memory Lane

By Stephanie Staples

Blue Springs, Missouri

This image was taken in the Jewish Ghetto region of Rome, Italy. I loved the natural, jovial interaction among these three men in front of an Israeli flag caught in the wind.


Second Place

The Best View

By Kelsie Moore

Melbourne, Australia

This photo was taken in Gapan, an island in the Philippines. While resting on his father’s tuk-tuk/taxi, the boy watches a community basketball game between young men of the village.

K. Moore _T1A0632-1

Third PlaceA. Holm Seine River

On the Seine Rive

By Alissa Holm

Nampa, Idaho

I took this photo while walking along the Seine River in downtown Paris toward the Louvre. I thought this boat was especially beautiful with its bright ribbons flying in the breeze.