Stowaway is a biannual not-for-profit travel magazine created and published as a project for the capstone class of the editing major and minor at Brigham Young University (BYU). Each Stowaway issue is created by an entirely different group of students during a short 15-week semester. All class members contribute to planning, writing, editing, designing, creating web content, and selling ads.

Stowaway staff members come from all across the country, and many of them have participated in study abroad and service-oriented programs. Some staff members have lived for extended periods in faraway places as they have fulfilled church and humanitarian missions and have learned to love people and cultures around the world. Their voices, experiences, and insights can’t be found anywhere else.

Stowaway aims to inspire the imaginations of its readers and encourage them to explore the world and new cultures by creating their own adventures through exciting, safe, and meaningful travel that includes service, education, and leisure.

All current and past issues of Stowaway can be read online at The magazine is available on the website in two formats: an online version and a digital copy of the print version powered by To see the digital copy, click on “Current Issue.” Then you can click on the arrows to thumb through every page of the magazine.

To learn more about Stowaway, check out its Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest pages, or click on the links below to see how Stowaway has been featured in the news.

BYUTV: The Making of Stowaway (segments starts at 3:30)

Deseret News: BYU Brings New Meaning to Travel

BYU News: Cool class: Students produce travel magazine “Stowaway”

BYU Magazine: From Mykonos To Appalachia

BYU Universe: Student-produced magazine an award winner

The views expressed in this publication are solely the views of the authors and contributors and do not represent the views or opinions of Brigham Young University.