by Stowaway Magazine | Sep 1, 2013 | Fall 2013, Features
The Recycled Orchestra displays their handmade instruments. Photo by Landfill Harmonic Cateura, one of the poorest cities in Paraguay, is ruled by its enormous landfill. Nearly everyone who calls this small town home works at the landfill and...
by Stowaway Magazine | Jul 1, 2013 | Culture, Eats, Summer 2013
Ratatouille France Originating in France, this traditional dish—once known as a poor man’s food—is the French way to use zucchini along with other delicious summer vegetables. The dish is as satisfying as it is beautiful. Serve it as a side or over pasta, couscous, or...
by Stowaway Magazine | Aug 29, 2012 | Fall 2012, Field Notes, Profile
For a guy like Stan Ellsworth, motorcycles rather than cars are clearly the way to travel. “In a car, you’re locked away,” he says. “You have your own environment in there; you’ve got your stereo, your air-conditioning, etc. You just took your environment out of your...